Behaviour Of Students On the Road.

                                          University is a place where thousands of students get education.Pakistan is  Lacking the required number of universities, so every university of it is over populated. GC University is thought to be the 2nd biggest university of Pakistan according to number of students. Currently about 43k students are getting education from here.

                                        While going for the classes, I have always witnessed a huge amount of rush on the roads within the university. Here I’ll only talk about the road in front of Quaid-e-Azam block. Yeah, It’s a serious issue of discipline. I see many students walking in groups and almost blocking the road. The width of road will be about 10 feet but five students walking horizontally are enough to block the passage for others. University is also a hub of friendships so boys don’t walk alone rather they are seen walking in groups. The lectures schedule is often different between the departments so there is always hustle and bustle on the road in front of Quaid-e-Azam block.

                                      This issue can be resolved if some awareness is spread in between the students. Yeah, I acknowledge it that students get tired after attending 3 or 4 lectures but there are some alternate ways of doing it. Students should walk in pairs rather than walking in groups and just looking like a flock of sheep. University students should be mature enough to discriminate between good and bad. They should be well aware of those acts which can make others anxious. Boys should take special care when walking on the road in relaxed mood. They should take care if there is any teacher, girl or any other boy who is in hurry to attend his/her lectures. Boys should provide a sufficient space to walk through. Sometimes boys are seen shrieking which is an embarrassing situation for the girls walking besides. Boys must watch over their surroundings and then talk.

                                     Walking is always good for health. It helps students to lessen their burden after long and continuous lectures. They observe the natural beauties outside and feel relaxed. They get interacted with different friends when they are on the road. They share their views about different things. They share the previous day activities with each other. Walking on the roads can be much beneficial if discipline is not violated.

                                      Sometimes boys make it their habit to wander on the roads without any purpose. They have couple of hours in their daily routine just for the sake of providing some comfort to their eyes. Some are shouting at the girls like the villains in a movie does. This is an alarming situation for the parents of girls studying in university. Many girls are seen complaining about this rubbish behaviour of boys. Such things don’t convey a soft image of university to outsiders. After observing it, many parents hesitate to allow their daughters to get education through university. So such situations must be handled by the security and others concerned with it.

                                      At the end I must say that every place has some good people and some bad people so has a university. Students come from various parts of country. They have different languages, different culture and different religions. We must take care of others while enjoying our life. Our enjoyment shouldn’t become a reason for others headache. That’s the best code to spend life. 

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